Thursday, February 25, 2010

February Meeting 2010

At our February meeting we had a full house, with only one member missing. (We missed you Stephanie) We had a great discussion of the book Sarah's Key. Everyone loved the book even though it was a difficult topic to discuss. We also enjoyed a delicious dinner of homemade soup and bread followed by Angel food cake for desert. Thank you so much Debbie. You are such a wonderful cook.
After the book discussion the group talked about our future 25th anniversary. We discussed where we might like to go for a special celebratory trip. Right now Washington DC is at the top of our list.
Someone suggested we all wear some type of WOW shirts with a Texas logo or theme aded to showcase our "gang".
Next month we will be meeting at Angie's home to discuss The Lace Reader. Hope to see everyone then. Although I took many pictures at our meeting I think this one of Angie turned out the best.